When it comes to creating demand, it’s not the first to market that wins; it’s the first to create and capture an emotional connection with the audience.

Free samples of a superior product or service doesn’t hurt either!

When our local dairy store opened it’s doors to creating Holiday Egg Nog, it was bound to be a hit. Here’s a company that knows how to craft an emotional connection. From the tagline “Egg Nog Like It Used to Taste” to the old-style bottle itself, you’re buying much more than Egg Nog; you’re capturing nostalgia in a bottle. The feeling you get from drinking this egg nog makes it taste better. Even though the farm sells their milk in local stores, I’ve yet to see the egg nog appear in them and that’s a good thing. The nog is created in very limited “batches” and usually must be pre-ordered and picked up directly at their dairy store. This creates a “buzz” and exclusivity that gets around town as fast as Twitter. The refrigerated shelves are lined with bottles which sit underneath large sheets of paper as if cloaked for teasing only; “Pre-orders” it reads.

It seems to me that they could sell much more of the product than they do. The less is more approach garners greater demand and ultimately may be the greatest free advertising possible.

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Arethusa Farm Dairy
822 Bantam Road
Litchfield, CT