Jiro Dreams of Sushi is an inspiring documentary film that follows Jiro Ono, an 85 year-old sushi master and his two sons on their journey to perfect the art of sushi. It is a film that forces you to re-evaluate your priorities and place the perfection of your craft over tangible success. Not surprisingly however, the fulfillment you receive by chasing the perfection is often the greatest gift.

Like most artists, the passion to perfecting one discipline takes a lifetime of intense focus; there is always something that could be better and it’s always over the horizon. In the world of graphic design, our goal is to create something that is stunningly simplistic. Attention to subtle nuances can only be achieved through experience and can’t easily be taught. When choosing a specific fish for his sushi, Jiro has experts that make the selections. These individuals know a good fish by appearance and more importantly feel — it has taken them a lifetime to understand the differences without test tasting. Superior skills lead to perfection.

And success.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)
Directed by David Gelb